Hey there! Are you too busy getting new business and don’t have time to input your current listings into the MLS? Let us upload and sort your property photos for you. We can save you time!
Check out our listing prep services below.

Listing Prep (full MLS input)

  • Create new listing in BrightMLS

  • Add all property details (provided from public records or listing agent)

  • Upload photos to BrightMLS (provided by listing agent or photographer)

    • Sort & label photos

  • Upload forms:

    • Seller’s Property Disclosure

    • Lead Based Paint Disclosure

    • Office Affiliate Forms

    • Presentation of Offers

    • Any misc. forms provided by listing agent

  • Price per transaction: $100

Listing Prep (Photo Only input)

  • Upload photos to the already-created listing on BrightMLS

    (provided by listing agent or photographer)

    • Sort & label photos

  • Price per transaction: $50